- Duration: 10 weeks
Categories: Oracle
Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data 12c: Product Overview
- Java Adapter and Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data: Compare and Contrast
- Oracle GoldenGate Adapter Architecture – the Overall Framework
- Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data
- Oracle GoldenGate Java Adapter: Message Capture and Delivery
- Configuring Message Capture
- Message Parsing
- Configuring Message Delivery
- Java Handlers
Configuring and Using the Hadoop HDFS Handler
- HFDS Overview
- Hadoop Sequence Files
- HDFS Handler Supported Formats
- Relevant HDFS Handler Configuration Parameters
- HDFS Partitioning
- HDFS Metadata Change Events
- HDFS Handler Best Practices
- HDFS Handler Performance Considerations
Configuring and Using the Hadoop HBase Handler
- HBase Overview
- HBase Handler Functionality
- HBase Row Key
- HBase Column Family
- Relevant HBase Handler Configuration Parameters
- HBase Handler Best Practices
- HBase Metadata Change Events
Configuring and Using the Apache Flume Handler
- Flume Overview
- Flume Handler Setup
- Relevant Flume Handler Configuration Parameters
- Mapping Operations to Flume Events
- Mapping Transactions to Operational Flume Events
- Mapping Transactions to Transactional Flume Events
- Metadata Change Events
- Flume Handler Schema Propagation
Configuring and Using the Apache Kafka Handler
- Kafka Overview
- Kafka Core APIs
- Kafka Handler Setup
- Relevant Kafka Handler Configuration Parameters
- Kafka Producer Configuration File
- Kafka Handler Schema Propagation
- Kafka Handler Best Practices
- Kafka Handler Advanced Configuration
Configuring and Using the Cassandra Handler
- Cassandra Overview
- ACID Properties Versus Eventual Consistency
- Cassandra Handler: Supported Data Types
- Schema, Table, and Column Mapping
- Cassandra Primary Keys
- Cassandra Handler Operation Processing
- Relevant Cassandra Handler Configuration Parameters
- Cassandra Handler Best Practices
Configuring and Using the MongoDB Handler
- MongoDB Overview
- MongoDB-Specific Considerations: Document Key Column
- MongoDB-Supported Data Types
- MongoDB Java Driver
- Relevant MongoDB Handler Configuration Parameters
- Relevant MongoDB Handler Configuration Parameters
- MongoDB Bulk Write
- MongoDB Undo Handling
Configuring and Using the Generic JDBC Handler
- JDBC Handler: Overview
- JDBC Handler-Supported Targets
- JDBC Handler Single Operation Mode
- Relevant JDBC Handler Configuration Parameters
- JDBC Handler Error Handling
Configuring and Using Pluggable Formatters and the Metadata Provider
- Pluggable Formatters: Overview
- Operation Formatters
- Row Formatters
- Formatter Configuration
- Metadata Provider: Overview
- Metadata Provider: When Is It Necessary?
- Metadata Provider Types
- Metadata Provider Configuration
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