All Courses

Showing 121-144 of 424 results

D87438 – Parallel Processing in Oracle Database 12c

Module 1: Parallel execution concepts Module 2: Using Manual DOP Module 3: Using Auto DOP Module 4: Using Statement Queuing Module 5: In-Memory Parallel Execution Module 6: Parallel Execution and Data Loading Module 7: Troubleshoot situations when parallel processing does not proceed as desired Module 8: Managing a Mixed Workload…

D81246 – Oracle Database 12c: Clusterware Administration

Module 1: Introduction to Grid Infrastructure Module 2: Oracle Clusterware Architecture Module 3: Flex Cluster Architecture Module 4: Grid Infrastructure Pre-Installation Tasks Module 5: Installing Grid Infrastructure Module 6: Managing Cluster Nodes Module 7: Traditional Clusterware Management Module 8: Policy-Based Cluster Management Module 9: Patching Grid Infrastructure Module 10: Troubleshooting…

D79236 – Oracle Database 12c: Performance Management and Tuning

Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Basic Tuning Diagnostics Module 3: Using Automatic Workload Repository Module 4: Defining the Scope of Performance Issues Module 5: Using Metrics and Alerts Module 6: Using Baselines Module 7: Using AWR-Based Tools Module 8: Real-Time Database Operation Monitoring Module 9: Monitoring Applications Module 10: Identifying…

D79244 – Oracle Database 12c: Global Data Services

Global Data Services Overview Overview Of Global Data Services Global Data Services Framework Global Services Global Connection Load Balancing Global Runtime Connection Load Balancing Failover of Global Services Global Data Services Framework Installing a Global Service Manager Creating the Global Data Services Catalog Adding a Global Service Manager to the…

D77766 – Oracle Database 12c: Install and Upgrade Workshop

Oracle Database 12c Overview Oracle Database 12c Introduction Oracle Database Architecture Overview Oracle Database Instance Configurations Oracle Database Memory Structures Process Structures Database Storage Architecture Logical and Physical Database Structures Container and Pluggable Database Overview Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server Overview of Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a…

D90165 – Oracle Database SQL and PL/SQL New Features

Course Introduction Course Objectives Course Agenda Schemes used in this course Classroom account information Overview of SQL Developer 4.0 Review the Oracle Database 12c SQL and PL/SQL documentation and additional resources SQL Language Enhancements SQL Row Limiting Clause Invisible and Hidden Columns Enhanced DDL capabilities using ONLINE keyword Additional features…

D81142 – Oracle Database 12c: Introduction for Experienced SQL Users

Course Overview  Course Objectives, Course Agenda and Class Account Information Describe the Human Resources (HR) Schema Identify the Appendices Used in this Course Understanding the Oracle Database Environment  Understanding the Oracle Database Environment Understanding the Oracle Instance Processing a SQL Statement Understanding Data Flow During SQL Statement Processing Understanding Read…

D80178 – Oracle Database: Introduction to SQL/PLSQL Accelerated

Introduction to Oracle Database Retrieve Data using the SQL SELECT Statement Learn to Restrict and Sort Data Usage of Single-Row Functions to Customize Output Invoke Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions Aggregate Data Using the Group Functions Display Data From Multiple Tables Using Joins Use Sub-queries to Solve Queries The SET…

D80198 – Oracle Database 12c: SQL and PL/SQL Fundamentals

Introduction Retrieve Data using the SQL SELECT Statement Restricted and Sorted Data Usage of Single-Row Functions to Customize Output Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions Display Data From Multiple Tables Usage of Subqueries to Solve Queries SET Operators Data Manipulation DDL Statements to Create and…

P3711 – Oracle Database 12c: SQL Tuning for Developers

Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Introduction to SQL Tuning Module 3: Using Application Tracing Tools Module 4: Understanding Basic Tuning Techniques Module 5: Optimizer Fundamentals Module 6: Generating and Displaying Execution Plans Module 7: Interpreting Execution Plans and Enhancements Module 8: Optimizer: Table and Index Access Paths Module 9: Optimizer…

D84838 – Java SE 8 Programming

Module 1: Java Platform Overview Module 2: Java Syntax and Class Review Module 3: Encapsulation and Subclassing Module 4: Overriding Methods, Polymorphism, and Static Classes Module 5: Abstract and Nested Classes Module 6: Interfaces and Lambda Expressions Module 7: Collections and Generics Module 8: Collections Streams, and Filters Module 9:…

D67230 – Java SE 7: Develop Rich Client Applications

Module 1: Introduction Module 2: The Broker Tool Application Module 3: JavaFX Overview Module 4: Generics and JavaFX Collections Module 5: UI Controls, Layouts, Charts, and CSS Module 6: Visual Effects, Animation, Web View, and Media Module 7: JavaFX Tables and Client GUI Module 8: JavaFX Concurrency and Binding Module…

D61808 – Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML

Module 1: Examining Object-Oriented Concepts and Terminology Module 2: Introducing Modeling and the Software Development Process Module 3: Creating Use Case Diagrams Module 4: Creating Use Case Scenarios and Forms Module 5: Creating Activity Diagrams Module 6: Determining the Key Abstractions Module 7: Constructing the Problem Domain Model Module 8:…

D102474 – Java SE: Programming II

Functional Programming Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions Collections Streams, and Filters Built-in Functional Interfaces Modular Programming Introduction to Modular Programming in Java Services in a Modular Application Migration to a Modular Application Streams and Parallel Streams Concurrency Parallel Streams Terminal Operations: Collectors Creating Custom Streams Java API Programming and Secure…

D102470 – Java SE: Programming I

What is a Java Program Key features of the Java language Java technology and development environment Running and testing a Java program Creating a Java Main class Java classes The Main method Adding a Main method Data in the Cart Introducing variables Working with strings Working with numbers Manipulating numeric…

P10212 – Java SE: Programming II

Module 1: Functional Programming Module 2: Modular Programming Module 3: Streams and Parallel Streams Module 4: Java API Programming and Secure Coding Concepts Module 5: Collections and Generics Module 6: Exception Handling and Assertions

P10211 – Java SE: Programming I

Module 1: What is a Java Program Module 2: Creating a Java Main class Module 3: Data in the Cart Module 4: Managing Multiple Items Module 5: Working with conditions Module 6: Describing Objects and Classes Module 7: Manipulating and Formatting the Data in Your Program Module 8: Creating and…

D67240 – Java SE 7 Programming

Module 1: Java Platform Overview Module 2: Java Syntax and Class Review Module 3: Encapsulation and Subclassing Module 4: Java Class Design Module 5: Advanced Class Design Module 6: Inheritance with Java Interfaces Module 7: Generics and Collections Module 8: String processing Module 9: Exceptions and Assertions Module 10: I/O…

D80895 – Java SE 8 New Features

Module 1: Course Introduction Module 2: Introducing Lambda Expressions Module 3: A Case for Lambda Expressions Module 4: Filtering Collections with Lambdas Module 5: Using Built in Lambda Types Module 6: Collection Operations with Lambda Module 7: Parallel Streams Module 8: Lambda Cookbook Module 9: Method Enhancements Module 10: Using…

D81148 – Oracle Database 12c: Use XML DB

Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Introduction to Oracle XML Module 3: Introduction to Oracle XML DB Module 4: Storing XML Data in Oracle XML DB Module 5: Using XML Schema with Oracle XML DB Module 6: Oracle XML DB Manageability Module 7: Partitioning XMLType Tables Module 8: Using XQuery to…

D64794 – Oracle Database: XML Fundamentals

Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Introducing the XML Document Module 3: Validating XML with a Document Type Definitions (DTDs) Module 4: Modularizing XML with Namespaces Module 5: Validating XML Documents Module 6: Navigating XML Documents by Using XPath Module 7: Transforming XML by Using XSL Transformations Module 8: Working With…

D72723 – Oracle Database 11g: Use XML DB

Module 1: Introduction to Oracle XML DB and XML Review Module 2: Storing XML Data in Oracle XML DB Module 3: Using XML Schema with Oracle XML DB Module 4: Partitioning XMLType Tables and Columns Module 5: Retrieving XML Data in Oracle XML DB Module 6: Indexing XMLType Data Module…

D98815 – Developing Applications for the Java EE 7 Platform

Module 1: Introduction to Java EE Module 2: Managing Persistence by Using JPA Entities Module 3: Implementing Business Logic by Using EJBs Module 4: Using Java Message Service API Module 5: Implementing SOAP Services by Using JAX-WS Module 6: Creating Java Web Applications by Using Servlets Module 7: Creating Java…

D76385 – Developing Applications with Java EE 6 on WebLogic Server 12c

Module 1: Java Platform, Enterprise Edition Module 2: Enterprise Development Tools and Application Servers Module 3: JavaBeans, Annotations, and Logging Module 4: Web Component Model Module 5: Developing with JavaServer Faces Technology Module 6: Using AJAX and Composite Components with JSF Module 7: Apache Trinidad JSF Component Library and Mobile…